Friday, October 19, 2007

Judge Thinks Sex Workers Can't Be Raped

I just saw this on the Green Party of Philadelphia's discussion list. I'll be doing whatever I can to help turn this bigot out, and will pass on anything you can do as I learn of it.

Eric Hamell

When is a rape not a rape? When the victim is a sex worker! Did you know that in Philadelphia forcing a sex worker to have unprotected sex with multiple partners at gunpoint and without consent is not considered rape? That's right, Municipal Court Judge Teresa Carr Deni decided that based upon her occupation, the victim, a 20-year-old single mother, had consented to any and all brutality unleashed upon her. When asked whether she considered rape to be a traumatic event, Deni stated that this case "minimizes true rape cases and demeans women who are really raped."

In what reality is forcible unprotected sex by multiple people not rape? In what reality is it okay for a municipal court judge to free a violent rapist because of the judge's contempt for the victim's occupation?

On November 6, 2007, help tell Judge Carr Deni that determining a case of rape is not dependant upon the victim's character, social standing, or occupation. Rape is rape and no means no. Vote NO on Deni's retention with the Municipal Court of Philadelphia. Spread the word! No means no, vote NO on retaining Municipal Court Judge Teresa Carr Deni!

Interested in taking action against Judge Carr Deni? There will be a planning meeting about this campaign on Tuesday, October 23rd. Even if you do not vote, we still need your help! Contact Matilda at mazzidly@... for more details.

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