Sunday, December 23, 2007

Five Brave Bitter Cold for Vigil Against Violence

Four people joined me for the Vigil Against Violence that I organized Monday in observance of the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. Two of these came in response to the email announcement I sent to the Green Party of Philadelphia's discussion list (among others), and the Industrial Workers of the World list to which the first person forwarded it; someone who works at Penn saw one of the flyers I posted there (among other places) and brought a friend along.

This turnout isn't bad at all considering the short (maybe three days') notice and frigid weather; I look forward to something bigger next year, when I'll start the planning earlier.

Pictured here are Charles Sherrouse (left) and yours truly. Photo by Mike Pesa.

Eric Hamell

Friday, December 14, 2007

Vigil Against Violence

Vigil Against Violence:
Respect Sex Workers' Human Rights

December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex
Workers. Join SWEET (Sex Workers are Entitled to Equal Treatment) on Monday for a
candlelight vigil to honor and mourn the sex workers who have died
this year and raise awareness of the violence faced by their community.
Current and former sex workers, friends, and allies all welcome.

Monday December 17th 5-7pm
On the steps on the west side of City Hall, facing 15th and Market Streets.
Wear red or bring a red umbrella.

For more info about December 17th:

This seems particularly timely in light of the recent outrageous ruling
by Judge Theresa Carr Deni, reducing charges from rape to "theft of services" in
the case of a sex worker forced at gunpoint to have unprotected sex
with multiple partners. She works in room 284 of City Hall.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

$pread magazine sent me the following message:

December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. Join $pread and SWANK (Sex Worker Action New yorK) on Monday for a candlelight vigil to honor and mourn the sex workers who have died this year and raise awareness of the violence faced by our community. Current and former sex workers, friends and allies all welcome.

Monday December 17th 5-7pm
On the steps of Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, New York, NY
Wear red or bring a red umbrella.

For more info about December 17th:

This seems particularly timely in light of the recent outrageous ruling in Philadelphia, reducing charges from rape to "theft of services" in the case of a sex worker forced at gunpoint to have unprotected sex with multiple partners.

Eric Hamell

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stop Education Censorship

The Philadelphia Public Record last week ran a sensationalist story about an effort to have a sex education book for people ages ten and older banned from the state's schools and libraries. I immediately borrowed a copy so I could respond in an informed fashion. Here's the letter I just sent the Record:

The fractured logic of those campaigning against the book It's Perfectly Normal was evident right from the Public Record's front-page photo, which showed a sign saying the book is "not even allowed in prisons." "Not even"? Since when are prisons known for their liberal library policies?

One woman religious was quoted as saying the book is "laced with pornographic cartoons." Webster's defines pornography as "matter depicting erotic activity and intended to cause sexual excitement." Having just read the book (tenth anniversary edition, 2004), I can attest that out of eighty-nine pages, it contains exactly four cartoons depicting erotic activity (not in any detail) and exactly zero intended to cause sexual excitement. If they excited Sister Paula Beierschmitt inadvertently, this is probably just an example of the adage, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Let's compare what's said about the book with what the book itself says. Beierschmitt: It "demeans human values." It's Perfectly Normal: "It's important to respect other people's feelings about slang and dirty words or dirty jokes."

Maria Merlino: "Promotes sexual activity at an early age without emotional maturity." It's Perfectly Normal: "Waiting to have sex until one is old enough to take good care of a baby makes good sense. The surest way not to become pregnant is to abstain."

Merlino again: "An injustice to girls, demeaning them in every way." It's Perfectly Normal: "Sharing between two people who care about each other always means having respect for each other's feelings and wishes. This includes respecting each other's right to say 'No!' to any kind of sexual activity -- at any time and for any reason."

Why are the critics' descriptions so far from the reality? Perhaps because they don't know much about childhood education. Here's what some of those who do say:

"Notable Children's Book" -- American Library Association
"Blue Ribbon Winner" -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
"Reading Magic Award Winner" -- Parenting
"Best Book of the Year" -- School Library Journal
"A family-friendly guide" -- Child

Case closed!

If you live in Pennsylvania, you can counter this obscurantist campaign by writing your state legislators at You can write the Record at

Eric Hamell

Friday, November 9, 2007

The "No New Order" Button

Here's a button I commissioned from Nancy Lebovitz, "The Button Lady." Under the "No" sign is the symbol of the New Order, the puritanical, totalitarian regime depicted in Candida Royalle's film Revelations.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Prudery Preempts Peace

Yesterday I sent the following message to The UN's own account of the incident can be read here: Note that an official is quoted as saying they will try to help the "victims" even though, since they consented, there's no reason to think they regard themselves as such.

I am appalled at the UN's recent action expelling Sri Lankan peacekeepers from Haiti for mutually beneficial sexual transactions with inhabitants of that country. By what inhumane value system is indulging the puritanism of (some of) these women's compatriots judged to be more important than preventing violence?

I urge you to reverse this decision forthwith.

Eric Hamell
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Deny Deni Flier Available

Matilda O'Neill has supplied me this flier for the Deny Deni effort. Feel free to copy.

Eric Hamell

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Update on Rape-Enabling Judge

Deny Deni! No means no! Vote NO on November 6th!

The time is drawing near to evict Judge Teresa Carr Deni from her post in Philadelphia Municipal Court for ruling that sex workers cannot be raped. Action from people across the globe has already had very positive results. Requests that people write to the Philadelphia Bar Association rethink their recommendation to retain Deni in the upcoming November election prompted an unprecedented investigation and statement from the PBA. Chancellor Jane Dalton stated that Deni's "…decision in this case was based on a pre-existing bias … and reflects, in my opinion, a clear disregard of the legal definition of rape and the rule of law in this case." She further stated, "As Chancellor, a lawyer, and a human being, I am personally offended by this unforgivable miscarriage of justice. The victim has been brutalized twice in this case: first by the assailants, and now by the court."

You can read the full text of the PBA's statement here:
It also got coverage in both of Philadelphia's major newspapers:

It was thanks to the overwhelming response of outraged people around the world that this happened. Good work! Now we need to get the vote out on November 6th! Tell Deni that rape is rape and no means no! Vote NO on Judge Teresa Carr Deni's retention in the Philadelphia Municipal Court on November 6th!

If you want to help on Election Day, please get in contact: *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** If you want to help but cannot vote:
1) Get these bulletins out anywhere and everywhere you can! Help oust Deni from our judicial system.
2) You can write a polite letter to Judge Teresa Carr Deni's supervisor in municipal court and ask that she be transferred or removed. For more information on how to do this, contact
3) Live near Philly? Come to town for Election Day on November 6th! We need all the help we can get!
4) It's also probably worth writing to the Philadelphia Bar Association and thanking them for their swift and thoughtful action on the matter. You can reach Chancellor Jane L. Dalton at and Executive Director Kenneth Shear at **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** When is a rape not a rape? When the victim is a sex worker!

Did you know that in Philadelphia forcing a sex worker to have unprotected sex with multiple partners at gunpoint and without consent is not considered rape? That's right, Municipal Court Judge Teresa Carr Deni decided that based upon her occupation, the victim, a 20-year-old single mother, had consented to any and all brutality unleashed upon her. When asked whether she considered rape to be a traumatic event, Deni stated that this case "minimizes true rape cases and demeans women who are really raped."

In what reality is forcible unprotected sex by multiple people not rape? In what reality is it okay for a municipal court judge to free a violent rapist because of the judge's contempt for the victim's occupation?

On November 6, 2007 help tell Judge Carr Deni that determining a case of rape is not dependant upon the victim's character, social standing, or occupation. Rape is rape and no means no. Vote NO on Deni's retention with the Municipal Court of Philadelphia. Spread the word! No means no, vote NO on retaining Municipal Court Judge Teresa Carr Deni!

Interested in taking action against Judge Carr Deni? Contact Matilda at

Friday, October 19, 2007

Judge Thinks Sex Workers Can't Be Raped

I just saw this on the Green Party of Philadelphia's discussion list. I'll be doing whatever I can to help turn this bigot out, and will pass on anything you can do as I learn of it.

Eric Hamell

When is a rape not a rape? When the victim is a sex worker! Did you know that in Philadelphia forcing a sex worker to have unprotected sex with multiple partners at gunpoint and without consent is not considered rape? That's right, Municipal Court Judge Teresa Carr Deni decided that based upon her occupation, the victim, a 20-year-old single mother, had consented to any and all brutality unleashed upon her. When asked whether she considered rape to be a traumatic event, Deni stated that this case "minimizes true rape cases and demeans women who are really raped."

In what reality is forcible unprotected sex by multiple people not rape? In what reality is it okay for a municipal court judge to free a violent rapist because of the judge's contempt for the victim's occupation?

On November 6, 2007, help tell Judge Carr Deni that determining a case of rape is not dependant upon the victim's character, social standing, or occupation. Rape is rape and no means no. Vote NO on Deni's retention with the Municipal Court of Philadelphia. Spread the word! No means no, vote NO on retaining Municipal Court Judge Teresa Carr Deni!

Interested in taking action against Judge Carr Deni? There will be a planning meeting about this campaign on Tuesday, October 23rd. Even if you do not vote, we still need your help! Contact Matilda at mazzidly@... for more details.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Welcome to SexFreedomAction!

And what is SexFreedomAction, you ask? It's a place where I intend to make people aware of opportunities to advance sexual freedom and counter sex-negativity in all its forms.

It will differ from many other "sex-positive" sites in that it will be focused exclusively on promoting action, rather than simply commenting on issues or "fisking" the neggies, which is often not much of an intellectual challenge anyway.

If people want to engage me in discussion or debate, I'd suggest they hie themselves over to my other blog, Gondwanaland, which is more general in nature.

I'll shortly be posting an initial list of general ideas for action. Meanwhile, you may wish to check out the Woodhull Freedom Foundation's Sexual Freedom Network.

Eric Hamell

Everyday Things You Can Do to Combat Sex-Negativity

1. Call people on their pejorative use of words for sex workers and the non-monogamous, such as "prostitute," "whore," and "slut." Likewise, watch out for body-negative metaphors like "naked" and "fig leaf."

2. If you see or hear something sex-negative in the paper, electronic media, etc., respond with a letter to the editor, an elected representative, or whoever is the guilty party.

3. Don't forget to reward the good folk! No, I don't mean the Elves; I mean those who do something sex-positive when you weren't necessarily expecting them to. I give an example here.

4. Equip yourself to respond in more informal ways, such as with stickers on ads or posters with sex-negative messages. You can make these by hand on blank labels you can buy at most drug or stationery stores. For instance, in response to some sex-negative stickers I was seeing around, I made some bearing a "sex-positive" symbol consisting of the feminine/masculine/androgynous symbol -- a circle with a +, a ->, and a +> arranged around it equiangularly, with a + sign in the center -- with the slogan "What part of YES don't you understand?" above and below it. I would put these on the edges of the offending stickers so that it was clear upon what I was commenting.

5. Avoid "segregating" sex in your language. For instance, say "movie" rather than "porno"; "actor" or "actress" rather than "porn star."

6. Seek out products and services of the sexually rebellious, even in areas unrelated to sex. Doing so can help to break down the stigma still attached to such people by much of society.

7. Register and vote for candidates who take sex-positive positions. Consider getting actively involved in your political party to advance such positions and candidates.

Eric Hamell