In a solicitation from the
Center for Science in the Public Interest,
I found a reminder of an irritating practice of theirs that I'd always
meant to comment on. I've just done so now in an email to them as
writing to express my disapproval of your use of the phrase "food
porn." Clearly you are trying to convey the concept of food that tastes
good but isn't good for you. Trouble is, that's not true of porn itself.
Despite generations of attempts to scientifically prove the "common sense"*
that porn is bad for us, such evidence is essentially nonexistent, and
sometimes it suggests just the opposite. Here, for instance, is a court
brief debunking the idea that it's "harmful to minors":
isn't a merely "academic" question. These false notions about porn have
been used to justify restrictive laws and customs which, so far from
protecting people, may well contribute to psychosexual problems and
leave children more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, as discussed by
Judith Levine in her book Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex.
many people refer to as common sense is nothing more than a collection
of prejudices accumulated before the age of eighteen." -- Albert
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